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Plazo de envío de resúmenes:
10 de abril de 2020 (Máximo de 500 palabras)

Formulario envío de resúmenes

Respuesta de evaluación de resúmenes:
30 de abril de 2020

Plazo de envío de texto completo de los trabajos aceptados:
15 de junio de 2020 
(Normas de publicación: en la Tercera Circular)

Respuesta de evaluación de trabajos presentados:
1 de agosto de 2020

Plazo de inscripción al evento para expositores a incluir en el programa:
desde el 1 al 15 de agosto de 2020

Plazo de inscripción para asistentes y expositores fuera de programa:
desde el 1 de agosto hasta los días del congreso

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XI INTI International Conference La Plata 2012



October 17-20 2012


Under the theme “TERRITORIAL INTELLIGENCE AND GLOBALIZATION. TENSIONS, TRANSITION, AND TRANSFORMATION”, the INTI International Conference La Plata 2012 is an open invitation from the INTI (International Network of Territorial Intelligence) which is extended to various scientific communities from all continents: it is a space-time which aims for the co-construction of Territorial Intelligence knowledge and experiences within an ever more complex framework and the crisis of globalization. It´s precisely there where tensions arise and challenges emerge in regions as unequal as the European Union, Latin America, Anglo-Saxon America, the Far East, Middle East, Africa and others. The challenge of socio-ecological transition, in terms of sustainability, might imply world-wide changes in the societies’ way of life, as well as the transformation of the subjects of those societies and of more viable and intelligent territories. The concrete projects underway and scientific methods of Territorial Intelligence contribute to the understanding of this complex and multidimensional matter of INTI La Plata 2012.

In Argentina, this conference is held with the support of CONICET (National Council of Scientific and Technical Research), UNLP (National University of La Plata), and the GDRI INTI Groupe de Recherche International in "International Network of Territorial Intelligence", Seven research teams from France, Belgium, Spain, Italy and Argentina, as well as a number of national and foreign universities, participate in this particular venue. Also, this event is underwritten by 22 Latin American Universities members of the Latin American Possible Territories Scientific Network. 


  • To put forth the six INTI GDRI’s research themes as to broaden the federal base of research teams in different regions of the world, building on existing projects currently converging toward each theme:  1- Territory, 2- Intelligence, Communication, Culture and Education, 3- Governance , 4- Observation, and two cross-cutting themes: Gender and Vulnerability   
  • To exchange views, experiences, and progress on the implementation of a dozen scientific methods and INTI (ENTI and TAG) scientific tools developed to solve problems with territorial intelligence. 
  • To contribute to the construction of a theory of Transformation with Territorial Intelligence with the vital support of various scientific disciplines and to promote Socio-Ecological Transition scenarios which articulate the scientific world with our institutions and territorial communities.

The XI International Conference INTI La Plata 2012, has as background on the ten preceding ENTI International Conferences held in various European countries -France, Spain, Belgium, Italy, Romania. The last of which was the first INTI International Conference in Belgium at the University of Liege in September 2011. Other antecedents are the ITIS I to VI International Territorial Intelligence Seminars organized by our TAG Team, which were held in various countries throughout Latin American -Argentina, Uruguay, and Colombia- between the years 2009 and 2011. Moreover, the symposium "Territorial Dynamics and Social Economics" Tours, March 2012, and the GDRI INTI Salerno Seminar, June 2012, have been added to our GDRI  schedule,  both events are expected to prove valuable in order for the INTI La Plata 2012 XI to have previous rooms for debate.


Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, FaHCE, UNLP-CONICET

Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación

Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Dirección: Calle 48 e/ 6 y 7 8vo. piso, of. 835 - 803  |  (1900) La Plata  |  Buenos Aires  |  Argentina

Teléfono: +54 221 423-0125 interno 261 - 262



