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Name your file like this: INTI_YOURFULLNAME (INTI_PEREZ_ROQUE)
* * *
Author (s) / Autor (es) (Required)
Full name and surname./ Indique nombre(s) completo(s).
Profession / Profesión
Affiliation / Pertenencia institucional (Required)
E-mail adress / Correo electrónico (Required)
Phone number / Teléfono (Required)
Example: +54-221-4235745
Abstract text / Resumen (Required)
Key words / palabras clave (Required) Max.: 4
§ It is be submitted in one of the four (4) Congress languages: Spanish, Portuguese, English or French. Written in word processor (.doc and other compatible formats)
- Length: Up to 7 (seven) pages - figures and tables included-.
§ It has to follow this structure: title and subtitle, authors, abstract and keywords. After this section, full development should proceed.
§ Paper size: A4.
§ Top and bottom margins: 2.5 cm.
§ Left and right margins: 3 cm.
§ Font: Arial.
§ Main text font size: 11.
§ Spacing: 1.5
§ Paragraph Alignment: justified, without indentation or spacing front / back.
§ Title: Arial 12, capital letters, bold.
§ Subtitles: Arial 12, capital letters, bold.
§ Author/s: Arial 10, lower case, right-aligned to space and a half of the title.
§ All submissions must include the following author data: academic title, full address, current institution, mailing address and email address.
§ Footnotes: Times New Roman, size 10, single spacing, justified and numbered with decimals (1, 2, 3 ...).
§ Endnotes: numbered correlatively in the main text and re-typed before the references. Quotations: Direct quotations should be enclosed in quotation marks(not in italics). It is advisable not to overuse this kind of quotation. When text has been omitted within a quotation, it should be indicated by placing three points within brackets.
§ Bibliographical References: Follow the Harvard- APA system.
§ Bibliographical references should be enclosed in parentheses in the main text. If the text does not explicitly cite the author's name, then after the citation enclosed in parenthesis should follow (author's last name [comma], year of publication: [colon], page / s which is the segment referred to). Example: (Garcia Ballesteros, 1998: 22).
However, if the name of the author does appear in the text, then, only the year of publication and pages should be enclosed in parentheses. Example: As Garcia Ballesteros (1998: 22) states….
This information should not be a footnote.
§ All references that appear in the body of the text must then be developed in full in the bibliography section.
§ The maps, graphs, diagrams and tables should be submitted in black and white or grayscale. All figures - photos, maps, graphs, and illustrations- should be embedded to the text in JPG format. The size of such figures should not exceed the typographic frame given by the margins.
The Scientific Committee will decide which mode of presentation fits better each accepted work: Oral Paper Presentation or Poster Presentation.